

Youth Ministry

We think following Jesus should be formative. Three Fridays each month, students from 7th-12th grade are invited to meet together to share in community, grow in our faith, and have lots of fun! During this time, we seek to examine ourselves and ask how we can look more like Jesus in our everyday lives. We use these spaces so students can ask tough questions in a community that is shaped by love for the present and hope for the future.

Jesus calls us to our own transformation, and wants us to learn what it means to live in a diverse community with others so that we would reflect the Kingdom of God, one that is freely given and open to all.

For many of us, busy lives seem to be a way of normalcy. The busier we get, the more we are promised happiness and success. However, the God of the Bible offers an alternative way of life, a way that makes space for Sabbath rest. Therefore, we intentionally take one Friday off each month to learn to better model this perspective in our lives.

We meet at Skyview Community Church on Friday evenings from 7-9 PM.

For more information regarding our ministry, contact